10 Ways My Life Changed After Discovering My Psychic Abilities
My story started in the fall of 2018 when I took a half day course on mediumship. We were led through meditations, educated on terminology, and even got to do readings on other students in the class. This day changed my whole life and now, four years later, I work as a psychic medium, create online courses to guide others to explore their soul abilities, and personally coach and guide others who wish to take on this amazing journey for themselves. Many aspects of my perspective and reality have changed since that one day four years ago, when I was completely unaware that I had access to these abilities the whole time. So, I wanted to share 10 ways my life changed after discovering my psychic abilities so you can get a real sense of what life is like discovering psychic, medium, intuitive, or healing abilities since, and this will come up in my list, that I think you can do it, too.
I Had A Spiritual Awakening
So, the process of fully excepting that I had psychic abilities and was able to tap into it whenever I wanted was a six month process, but the onset of realizing that my imagination is a place of information retrieval and experiencing this realization triggered a spiritual awakening. I believe that my spiritual awakening began at that 2018 class. I remember doing meditations and exercises that were intended to direct attention to intentionally gain information psychically and with mediumship and I remember there was an intense energy that was coursing through me that was really exciting. Halfway through that class I felt like I wanted to run around the block because the energy was so intense inside of me. That night I experienced what I would describe as out of body experience as I slept. A day or so later, I started having really high anxiety. while high anxiety may not seem like part of a spiritual awakening that some people talk about, I consider that weeklong intense energy that was really uncomfortable to actually be sort of a leveling up where my body just was not used to that kind of energy flowing through it, at least that’s how I rationalize it. Then after that week of intense anxiety faded away, I started to experience how people typically describe a spiritual awakening which felt great and everything felt brand new and beautiful. And of course the connection with everything was present as well.
2. How I Understood Psychic Was Wrong
After discovering my psychic abilities, I realized that having psychic abilities wasn’t something special. Previously, I had always seen it as something that 'wasn't mine' or that I was incapable of doing. and that those people that could do it were special and that i wasn't born to be special like that. But discovering and practicing my abilities, eventually I realized with enough time and evidence gained for myself, admitting that I have psychic abilities, I realized that having psychic abilities was something that anybody is capable of doing. I didn't know that i could do it and then all of a sudden i was directed to where i was supposed to be in my mind and i just became aware of what to do. It really felt like a flip of a switch once I knew that my imagination was where I needed to go and that time and practice would help refine the detail and accuracy. So, how I understood psychic ability as something not normal became something completely normal and I view as an innate human ability.
3. Psychic Is Not All The Things
When I started the process I didn't understand that psychic was a more specific definition than what I thought. Initially, I thought psychic stuff encompassed everything weird like mediumship and intuition. In fact my experience through the first year of my development was trying to discern between psychic, medium and intuition, like, what separated these. Eventually I recognized that mediumship included another individual in your mind's eye – and, like, you were having a conversation. Psychic ability was knowing information while not physically being in a place to witness information – such as seeing things from the past, seeing things in the future, or being able to see something that’s happening right now but it is never another part of the world. It also mixed into my mediumship ability where I would know things that the person in spirit who I was talking to hadn't told me- so that mixed me up a little bit. And intuition, was the last soul ability that took me the longest to define and discern, which is information that I feel through sensations and emotion which is a different experience then psychic or mediumship.
4. I Started To Figure Out Who I Really Was
Through refining my psychic and other soul abilities with the intention to get clearer messaging and to feel more solid in my ability, I found that I started to see that pieces of me were getting in the way. I came to recognize what’s called my ego- myself that is conditioned to living in a social environment. Recognizing my ego led me to understand how much of me was shaped by what other people thought or who other people thought I was or who I thought I should be or how I should act. As I started recognizing the ways that I coped to survive the social world, I started to recognize that these things were disrupting my ability to receive and accurately discern information using my psychic and mediumship abilities. And as I worked to be better at my craft I started to recognize more and more who I was and what was important to me. It really was a deep dive into understanding how I've been conditioned to survive the social world, the cultural beliefs and my own mindset and beliefs as well as understanding that this stuff really is a choice to accept or not accept. In accepting it you take on a great burden that is unnatural to you and that ultimately doesn't serve you in your best interest. and not accepting it allows room for you to focus on things that make you feel really good and allow for you to work more in line with universal law and who you really are.
5. I Found My Purpose
Discovering my psychic abilities when I was 33 years old gave me a perspective that you can walk around not knowing you were perfectly capable of using soul abilities- psychic, medium, intuition, healing. Having experienced life before and after gave me a purpose. And that purpose was to give people the possibility of experiencing the impossible. And not only to experience it via me as the medium psychic or messenger but, more importantly, to teach you to do it for yourself. So my purpose became that I wanted other people to experience this shift, too. As you have read so far in this list there are some amazing benefits that I don't think I could have been exposed to through any other means than experiencing and gaining in trust in my soul abilities.
6. I Became Socially Fearless
In the year that followed my spiritual awakening with my discovering journey I felt empowered. I learned I can do some things that a lot of people thought were impossible. I gained a purpose which I have never ever felt so solid with in my lifetime. I felt like I knew a secret. The culmination of this discovery and the conviction and astonishment created a fearless version of me where I would do things that I wouldn't normally have done. and one of these things was becoming much more social, much more extroverted, and even feeling I needed to connect with people. All of these things really did not exist before discovering my abilities. But once I discovered these abilities I wanted to share, I wanted to be a part of, I wanted to connect. I wanted to find people that knew what I knew. A piece of me surrendered which in the past would have been the most prominent force to direct me away from compromising my ego itself, my reputation of other people's judgments, their opinions, or their impressions. But, after discovering my soul abilities, what other peoples opinions about me were just didn’t matter anymore.
7. I Became More Emotionally Stable
While I wouldn’t consider myself an absolute wreck of a human being before discovering my psychic abilities, I would say that I certainly had my ups and downs. Discovering my psychic abilities and my other soul abilities really made me feel more in control because I felt like I had an insider to give me a heads up and to gain perspective of how things actually work and how I can invest in that knowledge and focus in certain directions to ensure a more steady, easier path. I also found that my point of focus really became one of less external noise, such as my attention to social media, the news, office politics. My attention became more focused on me and my energy and others and their energy. And with that I think it helped create less stress to have to deal with anyway. I was sort of focusing only on the bubble I was in and not the bubble that I'm told is around me which is basically prioritizing my experience as my truth and lessening other peoples reporting of reality and taking that with a grain of salt instead of investing in that as my own truth.
8. I Gained Stronger Connections With The People I Am Closest To
Another way that i could describe that is that I was able to disconnect or reprioritize relationships that i did not feel like worked for me. And the relationships that did work for me, I felt like I invested more into in a way that was bringing an authentic love and appreciation that used to be hard for me to share. I found my relationship with my kids become more positive, I was more attentive, and I was more patient. I found my relationship with my husband was one where I would consciously decide to engage or to share when in the past maybe I wouldn’t even think to. I also found myself connecting with people that I normally wouldn’t have simply because I was afraid to connect but grew a different outlook on the kind of casual one-on-one opportunities.
9. Everything Black And White Became Gray
I’m not talking about visual colors in this instance. I’m talking about the fact that anything is possible now. And with this, I’ve gotten the perspective that there are zero black and white conclusions. So in this time of highly polarized opinions and issues and problems, I've come to realize that every opinion and solution is both right and wrong and that every solution is a spectrum and not one or the other. I can still find a positive and that not everything is black or white there is gray area in everything, just like there's positive in everything, as well as negative.
10. I’ve Come To Understand That I Am My Biggest And Only Obstacle
This may seem negative but my perspective changed in that the problems that I once thought were out of my control I now see as completely in my control. And that I have the power to take problems and turn them into solutions. I have the perspective that there is no such thing as failure because with failure comes opportunity and with opportunity comes a path to finding further abundance, further contentment. The best part of my life nowadays is realizing what my problem is because I realize that awareness brings you to the front door a solution. And, even if your ego is blocking the door, you know what you have to do to resolve it and it's completely in your hands. It's nice to have the choice.
BONUS: I Figured Out The Meaning Of Life
I wish this could be something that would blow your mind. From what I've been through the past couple of years it blows my mind. But the meaning of life is just to feel good. You could even think of it as a game. What can I do to feel good and keep this feeling going? Seems really simple and kind of obvious but, honestly, simple and kind of obvious has been my journey the past 4 years since discovering my psychic, medium, and other soul abilities. So, why should that be complicated?
Ready To Discover Your Spiritual Abilities?
I am a walking and talking example of someone who was completely unaware of their psychic/medium/intuitive/healing abilities. And now, I use these skills everyday. I have a passion to expose this idea to everybody with the hopes that they gain this experience for themselves. I have benefited so much from my own journey that I want to help guide you from my own learning experience.
There are plenty of online resources, including my own self-paced, online workshop, to help guide you towards a life utilizing your psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities. Let your intuition guide you as listen and read up on spiritual abilities.
About the Author
Sarah Nickerson, Founder of NextGEN Medium
Sarah Nickerson
Psychic Medium, Spiritual Life Coach
Sarah Nickerson is the founder of NextGEN Medium, the NextGEN Medium blog, vlog, and host of the 'NextGEN Medium Podcast'.
She is a partner at the spiritual center Angel Connection in Bangor, Maine as a psychic medium consultant and offers online and in-person workshops to guide others uncover their true selves, create the life they want, and help expose people to their own innate psychic, medium, intuitive, and healing abilities.
Her mission is to expose people to their true selves, their innate abilities, and to help them become the master creators of their lives.
Course is available on Thinkific and Udemy (search ‘Soul Abilities Discovery’)